Books We’ve Written

We’ve written books to share our insights on communicating science and establishing oneself as a science communicator. #SciComm

At Fancy Comma, LLC, we believe that scientists are the best people to talk about science, whether it’s to inform the general public, in conversation with other scientists, to educate key stakeholders such as lawmakers or investors, or debunk misinformation. Scientists know a lot about science because it’s what they do day in and day out.

Despite their expert status in the field of science, scientists do not receive the training needed in communications, public relations, and marketing to communicate science to a general audience or a specialized audience of key stakeholders. As a result, much of academic science writing is full of jargon and inaccessible to non-scientists.

Becoming a Freelance Science Writer

We wrote our first book, How to Get Started in Freelance Science Writing, as a guide to help people with a science background transition to science writing.

Using Public Relations Strategies to Expand the Reach of Science

In our second book, Amplifying Science Communication with Public Relations, we talk about ways using public relations principles as a science communicator can amplify your work, improve science literacy and promote public engagement with science, combat misinformation, and help you advance in your career. Read an excerpt here or on Amazon, and check out Brittany Trinh’s book review.

Leveraging Marketing Skills for Real-World Scientific Impact

In our third book, SCIENCE X MARKETING, we talk about the shared space in which science and marketing co-exist and enable scientists to use their science and communication skills in fields outside of science research, such as policy. Read an excerpt here. SCIENCE X MARKETING made its mark on the bestseller list, debuting in the top 100 of Public Relations paperbacks, among top 100 eBooks in Public Policy, and top 500 eBooks in Marketing (see Sheeva’s post on X here).

All three books are available in paperback and eBook versions at the links above. SCIENCE X MARKETING is also available in hardcover.

If you end up purchasing our books and benefiting from them, please consider leaving us a good review on Amazon and Goodreads. Thank you!

Check out our free resources for scientists and students of science at all levels

We publish lots of free information on science communication and science policy, as well as other subjects at the intersection of science and society.

By the way, we also provide SciComm training and mentoring services. You can learn about that here!