The Role of Peer Review in Establishing Scientific Validity

Long before science makes it to the courts, it must be vetted through a scientific process called peer review.

A FREE Science Communication Add-On Curriculum for High School, College, and Graduate Science Courses

Check out our versatile – and FREE – science communication add-on curriculum that educators can use at the high school, college, and graduate levels.

Science as a Human Activity: Understanding “Sociology of Science”

Sheeva talks about ways to understand the scientific process and humanize science, introducing a concept known as “sociology of science.”

Who HASN’T gotten the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (and why)?

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is the highest prize in the life sciences. Is it also a celebration of toxic science culture?

Interview with Sheeva Azma, Science Communicator

Read Julie Ann Howlett’s interview with Sheeva about being a woman in science, science copywriting, and other interesting and sometimes difficult topics.